Health as a team effort.

A few years ago, I noticed an alarming trend. My closest friends and family had become isolated, spending less time in groups and more time alone. They also began facing greater health challenges β€” even as they invested in expensive gym memberships, fancy technology, and cabinets full of supplements. This was even before the pandemic.

I decided to invite those closest to me to tackle this problem together. Our solution: a fitness posse. We tracked workouts and other healthy habits. We set goals and motivated and held each other accountable to achieve them. And we made it fun β€” forming teams that competed against each other in a wellness color war. Earlier this year, we stepped it up even more, building an app to make the program even more seamless.

The results were incredible. Over just 6 months, our participants achieved:
πŸ“‰ 3.13% average body fat loss
πŸ“ˆ 1.3 pounds average muscle gain
πŸ‹β€β™€οΈ 12.4 personal records set (per member)
❀️ 5.1 point drop in ApoB levels (smaller sample size)
πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ 2.4 point increase in VO2 max

This program isn’t for any one fitness type. We’ve had members from complete newbies to former professional athletes. But what every successful participant shares is a desire to be as fit and healthy as they can be.

Learn more here.


Garbage Town


Lost Debate